Refereed publications
D.J. Butler, A. Horsfall, K.A. Nugent, A. Roberts, I.M. Bassett and K.M. Lo, Measurement of an elliptical fiber mode field using near-field microscopy, Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 77 5514-5517, 1995.
T.E. Gureyev, A. Roberts and K.A. Nugent, Non-unique phase recovery and the transport of intensity equation, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 12 1942-1946, 1995.
T.E. Gureyev, A. Roberts and K.A. Nugent, Phase retrieval with the transport of intensity equation: matrix solution using Zernike polynomials, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 12 1932-1941, 1995.
A.V.Rode, A.G.Peele, K.A.Nugent, D.E.Johnson and D.P.Siddons, Focusing of Synchrotron X-Ray Radiation with Cylindirically Curved Arrays of Reflectors, Rev.Sci.Instrum., 66, 2197-2199, 1995.
K.A.Nugent, Quasi-Homogeneous Fields: A van Cittert-Zernike Theorem and The Recovery of Correlations From Intensity Opt.Commun., 118, 9-13, 1995.
D.X.Balaic and K.A.Nugent. The X-Ray Optics Of Tapered Capillaries. Applied Optics, 34, 7263-7272, 1995.
D.X.Balaic, K.A.Nugent, Z.Barnea, R.Garrett and S.W.Wilkins, Focussing of X-rays by Total Internal Reflection from a Paraboloidally Tapered Glass Capillary, J.Synchrotron Rad., 2, 296-299, 1995.
R. Paniago, H. Homma, P.C. Chow, S.C. Moss, Z. Barnea, S.S.P. Parkin and D.F. Cookson, X-ray Diffuse Scattering Study of Interfacial Morphology and Conformal Roughness in Metallic Multilayers, Phys. Rev. B52, R17052-17055, 1995.
C. T. Chantler, J.-L. Staudenmann, Energy Dependences of Absorption in Beryllium Windows and Argon Gas, Rev. Sci. Inst. 66, 1651-1654, 1995.
C. T. Chantler, Theoretical form factor, attenuation and scattering tabulation for Z=1-92 from E=1-10 eV to E=0.4-1.0 MeV, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 24, 71-643, 1995.
J. D. Gillaspy, Y. Aglitskiy, E.W. Bell, C.M. Brown, C.T. Chantler, R.D. Deslattes, U. Feldman, L.T. Hudson, J.M. Laming, E.S. Meyer, C.A. Morgan, A.I. Pikin, J.R. Roberts, L.P. Ratliff, F.G. Serpa, J. Sugar, E. Takacs, Overview of the EBIT Program at NIST, Physica Scripta, T59, 392-395, 1995.
C. T. Chantler, R. D. Deslattes, Systematic Corrections in Bragg X-ray Diffraction of Flat and Curved Crystals, Rev.Sci.Inst. 66, 5123-5147, 1995.
Unrefereed conference publications
A.K. Horsfall, A. Roberts, K.A. Nugent, M. Hrynevych, S.T. Huntington, S.K. Rhodes and M.L. von Bibra, An investigation of optical fields using near-field optical techniques, Proceedings of SPIE, 2535, 137-146, 1995.
A.G.Peele, K.A.Nugent, A.V.Rode, K.Gabel, M.C.Richardson, R.Strack and W.Siegmund, X-ray Focusing using lobster-eye optics: a comparison of theory with experiment, Proc. SPIE, 2515, 14-21, 1995.
W.C.Priedhorsky, A.G.Peele and K.A.Nugent, Next generation all-sky monitor, Proc. SPIE, 2515, 216-219, 1995.
Other publications
A. Roberts, Workshop for women physics students at Melbourne University, The Australian and New Zealand Physicist, 223-224, October 1995.
A. Roberts, Women in physics group formed, The Australian and New Zealand Physicist, 32, 60-62, 1995.
C. T. Chantler, Highlights from AOS 10, 5-7 July, 1995, AOS News 9, Issue 3, 1995.
G. Smith, C.T. Chantler, Australian Optical Companies, AOS News 9, 37-48, 1995.
Conference presentations
L.M. Mason, D.N. Jamieson, A. Roberts and A. Saint, Focussed ion beam lithography using a MeV proton beam microprobe for microoptics fabrication, IBMM ‘95, 5-10 February 1995, Canberra.
A. Roberts, M.L. von Bibra and J.N. Walford, Fabrication of buried channel waveguides using focussed MeV proton irradiation, IBMM ‘95, 5-10 February 1995, Canberra.
M.L. von Bibra, A. Roberts and J.N. Walford, Characterisation of channel waveguides fabricated using focussed MeV proton irradiation, Workshop on planar optical waveguides and devices, 10-13 February 1995, Bateman’s Bay, Australia.
R.E. Scholten, J.J. McClelland, R. Gupta and R.J. Celotta, Nanofabrication by laser-focused atomic deposition, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
C.T. Chantler, L.T. Hudson, R.D. Deslattes and J.A. Gillaspy, Tests of QED using x-ray optics, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
V. Cucevic, K.A. Nugent, A.G. Klein and A. Brooks, Image analysis using a confocal laser scanning ophthalmoscope in early detection of glaucoma, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
D. Milic, K.G.H. Balwin, H.-A. Bachor, R. Scholten and M.D. Hoogerland, High resolution studies on laser cooling of a Na atomic beam, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
A.G. Peele, W. Priedhorsky and K. Nugent, Looking for stars through lobster eyes, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
D. Paganin, T.E. Gureyev, K.A. Nugent and A. Roberts, Rapid deterministic recovery of optical phase from non-interferometric intensity measurements: Numerical simulations and preliminary experimental results, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
A.K. Horsfall, K.A. Nugent and A. Roberts, Investigations of near-field microscopy, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
M.L. von Bibra, A. Roberts and J.N. Walford, Focussed MeV ion beam implanted waveguides: Their fabrication and characterisation, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
A.Yu. Nikulin, T.E. Gureyev, A.W. Stevenson, H. Hashizume, S.W. Wilkins and K.A. Nugent, Recovery of 2-D strain profiles: A problem in x-ray phase recovery, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
J. Walford, P. Haesler, K. Nugent and A. Roberts, Sub-wavelength resolution scanning optical fibre interferometry, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
C. T. Chantler, Understanding interactions of VUV radiation and x-rays with emulsions, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
S.K. Rhodes, K.A. Nugent and A. Roberts, A sub-wavelength investigation of vector diffraction effects in focal regions, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
T.E. Gureyev, K.A. Nugent and A. Roberts, Phase retrieval with the transport of intensity equation: An orthogonal series solution, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
D. Paterson, C. Tran and C.T. Chantler, Design and application of curved crystal optics for high precision x-ray spectrometry, 10th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 5-7 July 1995, Brisbane, Australia.
A. Roberts and M.L. von Bibra, Fabrication of optical channel waveguides using focussed MeV proton beam irradiation, Guided Wave Workshop, 20-21 July, 1995, Sydney, Australia.
T.E. Gureyev, K.A. Nugent, D. Paganin and A. Roberts, Rapid phase retrieval using the fast fourier transform, OSA Topical Meeting on Adaptive Optics, 2-6 October 1995, Munich, Germany.
D.X. Balaic, Z. Barnea, K.A. Nugent, S.W. Wilkins, R.F. Garrett, H. Yamada, and S. Masui, Tapered Capillary Optics for X-ray Microbeams, Nineteenth Australian Crystallography Conference, Ballarat, April 1995.
R. Paniago, H. Homma, P.C. Chow, S.C. Moss, Z. Barnea, D.F. Cookson, S.S.P. Parkin, J. Harada, T.J. Davis, A.W. Stevenson and S.W. Wilkins, Structure and Interfacial Roughness of Py/Au Multilayers by Bragg and Diffuse X-ray Scattering, American Physical Society, March 1995.
R. Paniago, H. Homma, P.C.Chow, H. Reichert, S.C. Moss, Z. Barnea, S.S.P. Parkin, and D.F. Cookson, Interfacial Roughness of Partially Correlated Metallic Multilayers Studied by Non-specular X-ray Reflectivity, Proceedings of the 4th Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering Conference, June 25-30, 1995, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
A.K. Horsfall, A. Roberts, K.A. Nugent, M. Hrynevych, S.T. Huntington, S.K. Rhodes and M.L. von Bibra, An investigation of optical fields using near-field optical techniques, SPIE Annual Meeting, 9-10 July 1995, San Diego, USA.
A.G.Peele, K.A.Nugent, A.V.Rode, K.Gabel, M.C.Richardson, R.Strack and W.Siegmund, X-ray Focusing using lobster-eye optics: a comparison of theory with experiment, SPIE Annual Meeting, 9-10 July 1995, San Diego, USA.
W.C.Priedhorsky, A.G.Peele and K.A.Nugent, Next generation all-sky monitor, SPIE Annual Meeting, 9-10 July 1995, San Diego, USA.
C. T. Chantler, Progress in Form Factor Tabulations, invited talk, Nineteenth Meeting of the Society of Crystallographers in Australia (Crystal XIX), April 18-21, Victoria, 1995, Ballarat.
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