Putting your web page on the web

Putting your web page on the web

You can put your document on the web either via the School of Physics web site on mozart, or via the University WebRAFT site. The latter has several advantages: The latter is crucial. If our IT support staff are looking after everyone's web pages, they can't be doing other useful things. If you are really determined to use the School's web server, click here.
  1. Apply for the password.
    You need a POP account from ITS. You probably already have one (if you use dial-in PPP access, you have a POP account too), but may not know the password. Either way, you need to apply for the password.

    To change your password, telnet to clyde.its.unimelb.edu.au which is currently an alias to myriad.its.unimelb.edu.au.

  2. WebRAFT enable your subject
    Click on WebRAFT enable your subject, fill in the form, and wait a day.

  3. ftp to WebRAFT
    Once you're connected to WebRAFT, find your subject's directory, for example 640223. Publically accessible files must be in 640223/pub. Files that only our students should have access to must be in 640223/prot .

    Your subject home page (e.g. Ann's home page for 640-223) should be called index.html, and you need to put this in 640223/pub.

    If you don't have an ftp program, look at: Windows or Macintosh.

  4. WebRAFT publishing documentation
    This has more details on how to link your web pages together.

Created: 1 March 2000
Updated: 7 March 2000
Maintainer: Robert Scholten, School of Physics, Email:  r.scholten at physics.unimelb.edu.au
Authorised by: Robert Scholten, School of Physics, Email:  r.scholten at physics.unimelb.edu.au
This page, its contents and style, are the responsibility of the author and do not represent the views, policies or opinions of The University of Melbourne.