[School of Physics - Optics Group]

HP 8100DN print drivers

Here are links to current drivers for the HP 8100DN printer for Win95/98 and WinNT. Note that the printer will interpret standard Level 2 Postscript and hence most Unix-based software can be used without modification.
* Windows 95/98 print driver
* Windows NT print driver
* HP web site for all operating systems (Windows, MacOS, Unix)

Installation (Windows 95/98/NT4)


If you want to print duplex, you can use the printer you've just defined. When you print your document, select the printer, then go to Properties... and set Duplex/long-side.
You can also set up another identical printer which defaults to duplex. Repeat the above steps, using the same tauon queue, i.e. \\tauon\baker-ps. Once it's installed, set Document Defaults... (WinNT) or Properties for duplex.

LPR printing

If you are using WinNT, you can print more directly (and hence more reliably) by printing via LPR. Once your printer is installed, go back and right-click on the printer, select Properties, Ports, Add Port..., LPR Port.
For the Name or address of server providing lpd: enter tauon.ph.unimelb.edu.au
For the Name of printer or print queue on that server: enter baker-ps

Created: 1 May 98
Updated: 25 November 99
Maintainer: Robert Scholten, School of Physics, Email:  r.scholten at physics.unimelb.edu.au
Authorised by: Robert Scholten, School of Physics, Email:  r.scholten at physics.unimelb.edu.au
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